At Grovetown UMC, we realize we are all ministers of Jesus Christ who are called to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, and to do his work in the world. The world will be transformed as people are transformed one life at a time. We do our work of being and making disciples through Ministry Teams: Education, Nurture, Outreach, and Worship. These teams are listed in alphabetical order.
Following are two mission opportunities sponsored by our United Methodist Women. Please participate as you are able.
Holiday Bags for Grovetown Elementary Students
1 stuffing mix
1 can chicken broth
1 can green beans
1 can corn
1 can cranberry sauce/fruit
1 cake mix
1 can frosting
Oodles of noodles/ramen
Mac and cheese
Peanut butter
Pop tarts
Granola bars
Please place all items in bag together. The total should be $12-15. If you would like a bag pickup, contact Sharon Totten(706 836-5979) or Karen Auvenshine(706 840-0187).
If you prefer, Grovetown Elementary is also collecting $10 Walmart gift cards for students in need.
Handbags for Homeless Veterans
Place any combination of the following items inside a new, used, or thrift store handbag. They can be brought to the church this Sunday morning at 10 am or call Sharon Totten or Karen Auvenshine.
toothpaste and brush
hand sanitizer
feminine hygiene products
lip balm
petroleum jelly
baby wipes
Thanks and Blessings,
Education Ministry
Through Christian Education, we minister to spirit, intellect and behavior by providing opportunities and resources for learning through a variety of venues. Through teaching Biblical principles, people of all ages are equipped for living the Christian life on a daily basis.
Sunday School: Children and adults from nursery age up are taught from age-appropriate Biblically-based curricula. In compliance with our Safe Sanctuary Policy, all those who work with children and youth are required to have regular criminal background checks.
Sunday School begins at 9:45 am.
Midweek Bible Study: The pastor is currently teaching an in-depth study on the Gospel of Mark during mid-week. Distinctive characteristics of Mark as well as comparisons to the other Gospels are presented. This study meets from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings. It is preceded by a light supper at 5:45 pm.
Nurture Ministry
The Nurture Ministry Team works to minister to the members and participants of our congregation in a variety of venues:
Adult Ministry: Our adult coordinator coordinates a dinner for all adults every other month. They meet for dinner and fellowship at various local restaurants.
Congregational Care: Cards are sent to those who are ill, in the hospital, or needing encouragement.
Fellowship Ministry: Fellowship meals take place on the 4th Sunday of each month following morning worship service and also take place preceding the midweek Bible study and on special occasions during the year.
Men’s Prayer Group: The men of the church meet for prayer each Wednesday at 6:00 am at Ruth’s Restaurant on Washington Road.
Nursery: We believe ministry to children is paramount in our responsibilities. A nursery is provided for all activities for children from birth to age five. In compliance with our Safe Sanctuary Policy, all workers are required to have regular criminal background checks.
Prayer Vigil: The church provides opportunities and resources for members who sign up for concerted one-hour prayer times once each quarter. Participants will come to the Sanctuary to pray.
Rainbow Connection: This group provides intercession for those needing prayer on an immediate basis. Members are contacted by phone and email, and work as a prayer chain.
Outreach Ministry
Outreach is a primary way we achieve our God-given task of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We try to accomplish our task by serving others through missions, and by reaching out to those who don’t know Jesus Christ on a personal basis.
Ministry to Guests: Those who come to services and activities at our local church receive a warm welcome, then receive a follow-up letter and a brief visit as appropriate.
United Methodist Men (UMM): The men of Grovetown UMC are a part of the larger group of United Methodist Men of the world-wide United Methodist Church. They meet on a monthly basis to encourage spiritual growth and to engage in missions. Currently, his group meets for breakfast monthly on the second Sunday at 8:00 am at Bojangles in Grovetown. All interested men are encouraged and invited to attend.
United Methodist Women (UMW): The women of Grovetown UMC are a vital part of the larger group of United Methodist Women of the world-wide United Methodist Church. This group meets at 11:00 am on the third Tuesday of every month in the fellowship hall. They encourage spiritual growth, have a program of study about missions around the world, plan missions activities for local to world-wide needs, and engage in missions in a variety of ways. All interested women are invited and encouraged to participate.
Benevolence: We help those in our community who are struggling economically by providing help with essential bills as long as we have the funds, and by providing referrals as appropriate.
Throughout the year, various activities are and will be planned to reach those who do not know Jesus Christ.
Worship Ministry
Adult choir: Meets at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights for practice and also rehearses Sunday mornings before worship. They lead the congregation in singing praise songs and hymns; offer special music during worship; and perform Christmas and Easter concerts.
Children are an integral part of our worship services. They serve as acolytes and are often included in other appropriate ways such as helping the ushers. Worksheets that coordinate with the morning messages are provided for the children. A nursery is provided for children from birth to age 5.